7 tips: how to change diesel injectors
1. Clean thoroughly the area around the components before removing them. When you remove parts to gain access to the injectors, your engine is vulnerable to impurities that could fall inside.
2. After you removed the injectors, plug all the openings on the engine to prevent dirt from falling into them.
3. Inspect the high pressure tube end caps with a magnifying glass for damage. If you see any internal cracks, you need to replace them. If there’s rust on the tubes, it means moisture got in the system, and they should be replaced.
4. Replace the gaskets and use new copper washers of the same thickness when installing the injectors in your engine.
5. Be sure to tork the injectors and the high pressure tubes according to the manufacturer’s specs.
6. If you decide to change your nozzles because you had a humidity problem or because you want to install bigger ones, it is very very very important to have your injectors tested on a Bosch bench to make sure that the valves work well and that there are no leaks at the end of the nozzle.
7. After installing your new injectors, change the fuel filter and make sure there is no residue in the bottom of the filter receptacle.